Let us lease your land to rake and bale pine straw
Land Management
We are always looking to add new pine tree farms to our portfolio. Straw America offers leasing contracts to landowners looking to earn extra money on their pine tree farms. It is an excellent opportunity to gain additional income while the trees are growing.
We offer annual land leases, give our office a call today for more information.

Additional Benefits
Timberland Leasing
Land Leasing
Questions & Answers
Slash or Long leaf pine stands throughout North Central Florida and Southern Georgia. Call Larry or email for more information on timberland leasing.
Phone: (386) 208-3811
Email: larry@strawamerica.com
We typically require 40 acres in one location. However, we may be able to accommodate smaller landowners that are near other stands being leased.
Mowing, herbicide application, and fertilization are available to prepare your stand for pine straw production.